Alle Beiträge von RA Dennis Werner

Mitarbeiter gesucht! TheTraidingBay 2006

Von: User yvnxlqi
Gesendet: Sonntag, 12. März 2006 18:37
An: xxx
Betreff: Mitarbeiter gesucht! TheTraidingBay 2006



Gesucht: flexible, ehrliche und verantwortungsbewusste Mitarbeiter


TheTraidingBay® 2006 – eBay the easy way

Ihre grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten bei Internetauktionen mithilfe unserer qualifizierten Verkaufsagenten



Sie haben schon immer geträumt eine interessante und gut bezahlte Tätigkeit auszuüben, die dazu auch noch mit guten Aufstiegschancen verbunden ist! 

TheTraidingBay® bietet Ihnen eine solche Möglichkeit!


Seit der Gründung im Jahre 2004 bieten  wir im Bereich Internetauktionen sichere und erfolgreiche Dienste an. Unsere qualifizierten Verkaufsagenten sorgen für schnelle und präsentative  Erscheinung der Waren bei dem grössten Internetauktionshaus Ebay.  Wir bieten unsere  Dienste ebenfalls Menschen aus den Ländern an, in denen der Internetauktionshandel noch nicht ausgereift ist, dazu zählt Asien, arabische Welt und Ost-Europa. Durch uns haben sie die Möglichkeit bei den Auktionen des ganzen eBay-Konzerns  mitzubieten und ihre Waren selbst zum Verkauf zu stellen.


Nun suchen wir zuverlässiges Personal in Deutschland, das für uns den Transfer der Kundenzahlungen vornimmt. Sie werden Geldüberweisungen von unseren Kunden vornehmen müssen, diese kontrollieren und  managen. Die Tätigkeit beschränkt sich nur auf das deutsche Auktionshaus eBay. Dafür brauchen Sie weder  Startkapital, noch entstehen bei Ihnen irgendwelche Zusatzkosten. Abgesehen von guten Aufstiegschancen können  Sie mit einem guten Lohn rechnen. Als Entgelt garantieren wir Ihnen  am Anfang  10%  von den Transaktionssummen, die Sie bearbeiten werden.




Mindestalter 18 Jahre

Bankverbindung, um Geldüberweisungen entgegen zu nehmen

Telefonische Verbindung

Flexibilität, Ehrlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit



Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben mit uns zu arbeiten oder  Fragen haben, schreiben Sie an  


Wir schicken Ihnen den Vertrag, das nötige Formular sowie nähre Informationen zu der Tätigkeit und dem sicheren Zahlungssystem PayPal,umgehend zu.



Lehnen Sie dieses Angebot nicht ab! Es ist Ihre Chance!


TheTraidingBay® 2006 – eBay the easy way



Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Entwurf einer Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie

Der Vorschlag einer Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über Zahlungsdienste im Binnenmarkt und zur Änderung der Richtlinien 97/7/EG, 2000/12/EG und 2002/65/EG, v. 1.12.2005, KOM(2005) 603 endg. enthält einige Vorgaben, die auch für die rechtliche Bewertung von Phsihing und ähnlichen Angriffen von Bedeutung sind.

Entwurf einer Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie weiterlesen


bITOCHU Corporation
5-1, Kita-Aoyama 2-chome
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8077, Japan
                                COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED

I am Mr.Eizo Kobayashi. 
I represent ITOCHU Corporation based here in Japan. Our company exports cement, sugar and textile materials for world trade. We are searching for a representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in Europe, America,and Canada as well as making payments through you as our payment officer.
Most of our customers pay out in check and we do not have an account in your country that will clear this money. It is upon this note that we seek your assistance to stand in as our representative in your country.
Note that, as our representative, you will receive 10% of whatever amount you clear for the company and the balance to be paid to us.If you are interested in this business transaction,forward to us the information below:
These information should be forwarded to the President and Chief Executive Officer;
Mr. Eizo Kobayashi

Eizo Kobayashi
President and Chief Executive Officer. Thank you for your time.
Thanks in advance.
Very Respectfully,
 Eizo Kobayashi,
chief Executive officer.
ITOCHU Corporation.


From:  "Pang Lee" <>
Subject:  JOB OFFER (BASE ON 10%)
Date:  Fri, March 3, 2006 12:07

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr Pang Lee, Managing Director of Japan Arts & Crafts(Biglobe Inc).We are a group of business men who deal on Art and Craft and export into the Canada/America and Europe.
We are searching for representatives who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers in the Canada/America and Europe as well as making  payments through you to us.Please if you are interested in transacting business with us we will be very glad.
Please contact us for more information.Subject to your satisfaction you will be given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of which we will pay for your services as our representative in canada/America and Europe. Forward to us your phone number/fax and your full contact details if interested.
Thanks In advance
Mr.Pang Lee
 Managing Director,
 (Biglobe Inc).
Please for the sake of confidentiality i would prefare you to reply me via my private email


Date:  Tue, February 28, 2006 15:29

Dear Sir/Madam,

Humantextiles International Limited is a UK textile company.We produce
and distribute clothing materials such as batiks,assorted fabrics and
traditional costume worldwide.We have reached big sales volume of
textile materials in the Europe and now are trying to penetrate the US
market. Quite soon we will open representative offices or authorized
sales centers in the US and therefore we are currently looking for
people who will assist us in establishing a new distribution network
there. The fact is that despite the US market is new for us we already
have regular clients also speaks for itself.

The international money transfer tax for legal entities (companies) in
UK is 25%, whereas for the individual it is only 7%.There is no sense
for us to work this way, while tax for international money transfer
made by a private individual is 7% .That's why we need you! We need
agents to receive payment for our textiles( in money orders,check or
bank wire transfers) and to resend the money to us via Money Gram or
Western Union Money Transfer.This way we will save money because of tax

1. Recieve payment from Clients
2. Cash Payments at your Bank
3. Deduct 10% which will be your percentage/pay on Payment processed.
4. Forward balance afer deduction of percentage/pay to any of the
offices you will be contacted to send payment to(Payment is to
either by Money Gram or Western Union Money Transfer).
10% from each operation! For instance: you receive 7000 USD via checks
or money orders on our behalf. You will cash the money and keep $700
(10% from $7000) for yourself! At the beginning your commission will
equal 10%, though later it will increase up to 12%!

You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor
right from your home office. Your job is absolutely legal. You can earn
up to $3000-4000 monthly depending on time you will spend for this job.
You do not need any capital to start.You can do the Work easily without
leaving or affecting your present Job.The employees who make efforts
and work hard have a strong possibility to become managers. Anyway our
employees never leave us due to our excellent work condition.

18 years or older
legally capable
ready to work 3-4 hours per week.
with PC knowledge
e-mail and internet experience (minimal)
And please know that Everything is absolutely legal, that's why You
have to fill a contract!
If you are interested in our offer, please respond with the following
details inorder for us to reach you:


Response should be sent to the following email

Thanks for your anticipated action.And we hope to hear back from you.
Very Respectfully,
Humantextiles International Limited
NUMBER +447031954380
SE28 0LS

Part-time position with an investment company:

From:  "Temptresses B. Ramp" <>
Subject:  Part-time position with an investment company: Receivables Clerk/Associate (RCA 04: 3016)
Date:  Fri, February 24, 2006 10:45

Dear Sir/Madam, 

I am writing to inquire if you might be interested in part-time employment with our

Baikal Finance, Ltd. is a registered investment advisor offering hedge fund research
and due
diligence and investment trust management to sophisticated investors looking for
absolute returns.
We focus exclusively on managing multi-manager portfolios of hedge funds.
For more information on our company, please visit us online at

Currently, we are looking for proactive individuals to act as our receivables
clerks/associates in the
United States. As a receivables clerk/associate, you will be in charge of processing
investment funds
transfers initiated by our US clients under the supervision of the regional manager,
ensuring timely
funds processing, obtaining confirmations and communicating with the bank in regards
with these transfers.
A perfect candidate should be an able communicator who is also comfortable with
College education or basic administrative experience is a plus. No relocation is
required from the successful candidate.
This opening is a great opportunity for those looking for a reasonable trade-off
between income and work load,
such as senior citizens or self-employed individuals.

The position is commission based, and it will typically take up to 6 hours per week
to fulfill your duties.
Your core responsibility will be to receive the investment funds from our clients
into your designated account,
reconcile the payments if required and transfer the funds into our investment
accounts. You will be in charge
of contacting your bank in order to obtain transfer status information and
confirmations, as well as handling
daily communications with your bank. You will be receiving a 3% commission from the
gross amount of each
transfer that you forward to us. For instance, if $10000 is credited to your
account, you will earn a commission of $300.
Your commission is available immediately, so there is no need to wait for the
payroll check in the end of the month.

You will be receiving the investment funds from our clients via secure electronic
Wire transfer used by major US banks
for funds and securities settlement. This means that no funds will be deposited into
your account, unless the transaction
is reviewed and confirmed both by the remitting and recipient banks. Thus, there is
no financial risk involved on your end.

In order to qualify for the position, you must be a permanent US resident aged 21
and above. It is recommended that
you set up a separate bank account for the receivables service (a list of preferred
banks that we can recommend based
on our prior experience is available); however, you may also use an existing
account. Since most communication with your
supervisor will be via email/fax/phone, you should have full-time access to these

To apply for this position or to make an inquiry, please email us at
Please use the following reference code in the header of your email: RCA04.


a-i3 Leitsätze:

1. Die Rechtsprechung des BGH zur Risikoverteilung bei Dialern ist auf Backdoor-Trojaner, die Nutzerdaten ausspähen können, übertragbar.

2. Der Anschlussnutzer begeht keine Obligenheitsverletzung, wenn er seinen PC nicht vorsorglich vor solchen Programmen schützt. 


In seinem Urteil vom 22.2.2006 hatte sich das LG Stralsund mit folgendem Fall zu befassen:

Die Klägerin begehrt von dem Beklagten die Zahlung eines Restbetrags aus einer Telefonrechnung. Nicht gezahlt wurde der Teil  der Rechnung, der auf 0190-Servicenummern entfiel.  Die Klägerin hat Einzelverbindungsnachweise vorgelegt und eine technische Überprüfung des Anschlusses vorgenommen. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass der Übergangspunkt zum öffentlichen Netz im Haus des Beklagten unbeschädigt war. Die Technische Überprüfung des an die Leitung angeschlossenen Computers des Beklagten ergab, dass sich auf diesem ein Schadprogramm mit der Bezeichnung "Backdoor-Explorer 32-Trojan" befand.

Die Klägerin hat vorgetragen, dass dieses Programm in der Lage ist, Daten des Nutzers auszuspähen. Allerdings sei es nicht in der Lage eigenständig Internetverbindungen aufzubauen. Daher sei der Fall nicht mit der BGH Rechtsprechung zu Dialern vergleichbar. Der Beklagte war der Auffassung, dass der Fund des Schadprogramms den Anscheinsbeweis für die Richtigkeit der erstellten Rechnung erschüttert.

Das AG hat der Klage stattgegeben. Die Berufung des Beklagten ist erfolgreich.

Zur Begründung führt das LG aus, dass zwar grundsätzlich ein Anscheinsbeweis für die Richtigkeit der von der Klägerin erstellten Rechnung spricht. Dieser konnte jedoch durch den Vortrag des Beklagten erschüttert werden. 

Ausweislich Ziffer 4 der AGB der Klägerin hat der Kunde nur die Preise für eine unbefugte Nutzung zu zahlen, wenn er diese zu vertreten hat. Davon geht das LG im vorliegenden Fall nicht aus. Zunächst bejaht es die Übertragbarkeit der vom BGH in seiner Dialer-Entscheidung aufgestellten Grundsätze. Der Anscheinsbeweis wird bereits durch das Auffinden eines Schadprogramms erschüttert. Insbesonder oblag es nach Auffassung des LG dem Beklagten nicht, seinen Rechner gegen solche Programme zu schützen. Die Rechtsprechung des BGH sei insoweit auch auf Schadprogramme der vorliegenden Art übertragbar. Ohne Anhaltspunkte für einen Missbrauch stellt das Fehlen eines vorsorglichen Schutzes keine Obliegenheitsverletzung des Internetnutzers dar.


Das Urteil im Volltext können Sie hier abrufen

Fundstelle: LG Stralsund, MMR 2006, 487 ff. 


Willing to earn money? This job is right for you!

Subject:  Willing to earn money? This job is right for you! [Tue, 21 Feb 2006 23:57:53 -0400]
Date:  Wed, February 22, 2006 4:58

If You are firm of purpose, active and are willing to earn some cash, then this
offer is for You. The EcoLife Company is one of the largest cleansing facility
dealers in the world. Every year we go out to the markets of different countries,
keep and eye and study the demand and sales-market in every new country. As a result
of our move to the market of Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France
and Greece we are having temporary employee recruitment for the position of a
financial manager. It is required for You to be:
Honest and executive

- You must have a bank account
- You must have several free time hours per day
- You must have a phone number we can get through to You
- You must have an email address

The fact that You need no specialized knowledge or some sort of financial investment
is sure an indisputable bonus of our partnership. The job we are offering to You
consists of receiving bank wire transfers from our clients and partners on to Your
bank account. Once the money is on Your account, You must send it to the customer’s
representative office that has the wares purchased by the customer in stock either
via the Western Union or via the Money Gram. For Your service You get from 5% to 7%
from the total amount of transferred funds. The EcoLife Company covers all other
Western Union and Money Gram fees and costs.
Your service won’t be needed on a constant basis, but only for the time of our
sales-market study in Your region and also for the time of registration of all
necessary papers and the corporative accounts opening. You don’t just earn cash by
working with us, but also help saving and cleaning our endangered environment.
If You have any questions, please contact us via email:

Special offer!
In order to work with us, you even may not have a bank account. You are welcome to
consult our manager via the e-mail regarding this offer.

The EcoLife Company is very grateful and thankful for Your attention to our offer. supplied us with Your email at our desire because Your email address
has been subscribed to the job-offer advertisements by You or someone else.

Best wishes to You

Klaus Preiss
EcoLife Company Administration

If the presence of this letter in Your email box is a mistake, the EcoLife company
administration makes its apologies. Simply delete the letter.

Assist general managers

From:  "edsel marko" <>
Subject:  Assist general managers
Date:  Thu, February 16, 2006 8:50

  VDI Clearton Services Effective management and marketing solutions

Our company has obtained your contact details from well established recruitment bureau. We thought that you could be attracted to part time work from home position with our well established company.

AIM: Project coordinator needed.

Currently we are expanding and have a limited number of job opportunities available. There is no start-up cost or any other fee to begin working with us.


1 Set up an effective local office:
This office could be your residence; the only requirement is that you should be able to receive mail and telephone calls.

2 Assist general managers to make the financial transactions from the clients:
Receive the correspondence from our company or clients to his/her residential address, answer project related e-mails, and perform a limited number of phone calls / customer support.



You do not have to go out as you will work as an independent contractor right from your home office.

Your job is absolutely legal.

You can earn up to $3000-4000 depending on time you will spend for this job.

You do not need any capital to start.




Your confidential details will be used only within our company. Every perspective employee, who suits our requirements, will be contacted by our companys executive to carry out a basic phone or email interview. During the interview you will be able to ask any questions you might have.

To continue with the application process please fill in the form below and send it back to our email:

First Name:
Last Name:

Additional information about yourself :

Just copy this form to your reply

We look forward to hear from you soon!